
2021. 11. 1. 17:28매일/번역

1) 오늘의 할 일: 벤야민 씨의 ‘The Author as Producer’ (2) 번역.

2) “기구(apparatus)”라는 표현들 다 바꿔주기.

3) Transfigure*: to give a new and typically exalted or spiritual appearance to : transform outwardly and usually for the better. - It’s different in that it changes/metamorphoses into something higher.

오늘의 표현: 아우르다 / 거머쥐다 / furnish / hack / spool (=스풀) / still-life / 정물화 / picture-frame / book jacket / subtle (KOR) / transfigure (더 멋있게, 더 근사하게) / 미묘한

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